Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wow-I'm featured in a treasury

I like to make treasuries-It's a great way to look at a lot of shops here on Etsy. If you haven't tried to make one-you should. Let you imagine go wild. Treasuries can be anything you want them to be-base theme on a color, word, theme, season, anything or nothing at all! What's the purpose of treasuries? Well, they get you as a seller and buyer to get exposure to shops you might not have seen before. It's lets others see your creative expressions and maybe consider you in return. Here's the treasury I'm in tonight. It was put together by paisleykitten. She started off the the treasury with 1 item, and asked others to comment on her treasury-and to challenge them to see if they had anything that could coordinate with her initial item! What a neat idea! I think it turned out great! How about you? How did I get that that screen shot into my blog? It's pretty easy! First of all open up the page you want a screen shot of, right click-see the box that comes up? It should say view page info on the bottom line. You need the info from there to find out the page address. You can copy that info to thumbalizr. You then download your thumbalized image and paste into your blog. It sound complicated, but after a couple of tries even I mastered, well at least can use, it!


  1. Congrats! It is such a great feeling to know that someone appreciates and features your work. I too was thrilled to find out I had been selected for a treasury yesterday.
    It just made my day!
