Sunday, February 14, 2010

Shouldn't every day be Valentines day?

Today was a wonderful Valentines Day for me. I decided I really didn't want a lot of fuss-just a nice simple day with my significant other-Bob. I made a scrumptious breakfast of Eggs Benedict-my favorite breakfast indulgence. I worked a bit on Etsy while watching Coronation Street. I've been a Corrie fan for years-I know it's just another soap opera, but it's my "secret" vice! I watch it via the Canadian station CBC-so we're a bit behind those of you in the UK. I spent the afternoon doing taxes for my best friend Mary Lou, and her son Casey. Casey and his wife brought over the newest addition to their family-Emmaline and their older daughter Elizabeth-it was wonderful to see them again! For dinner I made Bob Beef Wellington-it's one of Bob's favorite dishes and I had never made it at home. It turned out so easy! you'll have to click on the link for the wonderful recipe I got! I have a special desert made for later-we're planning to watch a Sherlock Holmes-one of his likes, the Olympics and then later some Bogart films on TV-Casablanca and African Queen. What could be a better Valentines Day? Nothing. Oh those flowers-Bob surprised me with them this morning!

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