Saturday, February 21, 2009

Michigan Trolls Team Treasury

AngiesdesignsShop got a treasury last night! What's a treasury? For those of you who look at Etsy-it's a showcase of favorite items picked by an Etsy member-a curator. The main treasury list is opened when there are under 333 lists showing. It's almost a game-you have your treasury title picked out and you need to type it it fast-and voila! you have a treasury. Now you fill the spaces with links to 12 items (plus for alternates) in any shops on Etsy. The Treasury is not intended for self-promotion, but instead to acknowledge and share the many cool things for sale on Etsy. Admin often choose an exceptional Treasury list to promote on the home page and occasionally make them to tie into Storque articles or special events and occasions. I love to see the themes and items other sellers pick out-some are very creative. It gives you a bit of exposure-and it's a good way to get to take a look at lots of great shops. If you haven't put together a Treasury yet-try it! But beware, treasury curating can become addicting...If you stay up to 4am just waiting for that list to open-don't say I didn't warn you!

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